Gorgeous Family Photo Session at One of my Favorite Spots - Fabyan Forest Preserve

I’ve been photographing this family for years, and one of my favorite things to see each year is how these two sisters have grown and become even more wonderful. I also look forward to the outfits their mom chooses- she always styles the whole family to perfection! The color combos always work so nicely! And how cute are these two sisters!?

We had never shot at this location before together, and it’s one of my favorite spots in the St. Charles area because it packs a punch in terms of backdrop options! The lush greenery covered archway, the stone gate, the walking path, the river, and even more make this spot a no brainer for a family session. I’ve actually done wedding photos here before too! I’m always singing the praises of this lovely spot in any season!

family holding hands by stone gate
family walking down path in Fabyan Forest Preserve
mother holding hands with her daughters
little girl smiling in a yellow dress
two sisters jumping and smiling
two sisters hanging by an old stone gate
two sisters hanging out at Fabyan Forest Preserve
a couple kissing in Fabyan Forest Preserve